Monday, July 18, 2011


Mema just sent the girls some clip-on earrings. My Indian Princess has been interested for awhile. My Littlest Girl, not as much.

So today, we put a pair on. As I left the bathroom, my Indian Princess was looking in the mirror. She moved her head a little to the left, then a little to the right, as she admired the bejeweled butterflies adorning her ears.

As they watch movies about princesses, and see cartoons about movie stars, their desire to be pretty has increased. And when they ask if they are beautiful, I say, "Yes. You have a beautiful heart, and that is what is important."

Because as much as I adore every little thing about them, they will be rejected at some time in their lives. And without a beautiful heart that only God can give them, they can neither see the love Our Creator has for them, nor can they pass that love on. And all the details within that one sentence could fill pages of journals, sessions of therapy, and years of self-doubt. And how freeing it will be, if they believe that one truth.


  1. My 14 year old son asked me a great question last week, "Do you know the difference between the words pretty and beautiful?" Curious about his response, I replied, "No."

    His answer, "Pretty is how you look on the outside. Beautiful is how you look inside and out."

    It's the heart that matters!
